FBSprivat Update December 2021
by iRFP Administrator
Just in time for the end of the year, the new FBSprivat edition December 2021 was published today. With it, you as a private user of FBS have access to many innovations and further developments. You will find a short excerpt below:
- Speed profiles will be linked independently from the view setting continuous / from-to.
Graphic timetable, Station tracks
- New definition of rules for assigning station tracks and properties of station tracks (validity for runs from/to regular/opposite track). You can find extensive details in the news document (PDF) linked at the end of this list.
- Station tracks (routes) which are not valid for the regular or opposite track of a train will not be offered (are greyed) in the station track selection window. There is a corresponding conflict type “Station track not usable” if such a route is assigned anyway (which may happen after a later change of properties of a route or of usage of regular/opposite track of a train).
- If a train has no default route and no regular route can be assigned, a conflict “no usable route” is shown.
Graphic timetable, window "Show arrival and departure times"
- At "Enter supplement" you can alternatively enter the arrival/run through time at the end of the selected section; the supplement is then calculated from the difference.
- The settings "Show stations" and the switchable menu items are stored persistently in the Windows Registry.
Graphic timetable, View
- If „Show lines fort rain parts“ is switched on, lines for trains will be shown while standing at a station (with colour and line style of the first train part of a train).
Graphic timetable, Printing
- The print setting of the graphic timetable are stored in the Windows Registry to remember after the next program launch. This applies to the checkboxes (options) and the time frame. It does not apply to paper size, margins and resolution (which come from the view settings of the graphic timetable) and not to the current printer (which is always the default printer from Windows).
- Printing of a graphic timetable now also works with read-only permission.
Driver’s timetable
- The abbreviations for train messages for German Driver’s timetables have changed according to a new version of the corresponding German rule book (FV-NE). For details, see German news description.
- Stops (halts) with station tracks do not produce Yen signs (station limit signs) in Driver’s timetables.
You'll find a presentation of all news of this update (FBSBahn professional version) at http://www.irfp.de/neuerungen_2021_12.html (German only)
The extended program version is available for loading via the integrated update function. The update function can be found in the FBS start window under Service and Troubleshooting --> check for updates.
Note on the online update: If you purchased FBSprivat between August 2017 and December 2021, it is possible that the FBS online update function does not work correctly for you. This problem has already been solved so that you can also obtain the current updates. In this regard, please note the further information at
We wish all users of FBS a good start into the year 2022!