Graphic Timetable

The graphic timetable is the most important document when designing a new timetable. This is where the position and sequence of the trains are determined. In conventional design, two difficulties usually arise: The calculation of the running times depends on a multitude of variables and the drawing of a graphic timetable is time-consuming.
The module graphic timetable solves both problems one after the other. After the travel time has been calculated for the desired train, it is immediately displayed graphically on a path-time line. Once all trains have been inserted, the graphic timetable can be printed immediately.
In order to use the travel time calculation in this module, in addition to the traction unit data included in the program package, the following infrastructure data must be entered or imported in advance:

- Location and type of operating stations
- Number of station and line tracks
- Inclination ratios between operating points/elevations
- Speed on line and station tracks
- Usage regulations for mainline and station tracks
After selecting train number, running time surcharge, holding regime and departure time, the desired free train slot can be calculated.
The more complicated the timetable, the more indispensable the graphic timetable will be for the operator. However, placing a train on the computer does not only mean determining possible arrival and departure times. The module suggests the next possible free timetable slots or train crossings on single-track lines. If the position of the train does not meet the expectations, the train line can easily be moved with the mouse. The module always checks whether the desired position of the train is possible on all traffic days - not only on weekdays, but for the entire timetable period. Even today's methods of modern train transportation, such as the so called train coupling and sharing (wing train formation), are no problem for the Graphic Timetable module: up to 10 train sections per train can be entered - differentiated by route sections and traffic days.

Thus, the consideration of load changes and multiple traction is quickly possible. The completed schedule data, such as travel times or train position, can be transferred directly to all other FBS components. Writing down arrival and departure times finally become unnessecary.
In order to apply todays knowledge of vehicle dynamics in graphic timetables, the technical data of the traction units must be given. An extensive database of many European manufacturers and traction units is part of the scope of delivery of FBSprivat.
To calculate running times, the module takes used brake types as well as the effects of the various train control systems on the running and braking behavior of the entire train into account.
Input data:
- infrastructure data, consisting of:
- location of operating points and number of track sections
- inclination ratios between operating points or elevation data
- permissible line speeds or speed restrictions
- permissible speeds in the station tracks
Technical data of engine units:
- driving dynamic parameters (extensive engine unit database is provided. A list of the engine units provided at FBSprivat can be found here.)
General timetable data:
- scheduled stops
- validity period and local public holidays
Individual train data:
- train number, train type, traffic days, further notes
- specification of up to ten train parts (e.g. portion working)
- each with engine units, train load, maximum speed
- brake data (braking performance evaluation, braking position)
- optional running time- and load spare, train control system
Output data:
- timetable data redirected into further FBS programs, i.e. for station timetable, drivers timetable, customers timetable
- various sizes of graphic timetables including individual labeling: multicoloured, including timetable header and occupancy time
- altitude and speed profile
- results of the travel time calculation, shown in a speed-distance diagram including altitude profile
- dynamic calculation of travel times
- automatic allocation of free timetable slots taking train sequence and traffic day exclusion into account
- possibility to specify and consider tracks or routes in stations
- exclusively graphical working with the mouse
- fast hub copying
- support functions for calculating permissible speeds for tilting technology and the minimum braking performance evaluation
- support of portion working, multiple traction, course wagons, sectional load changes etc.
- Disposition mode for running operation, use in operational management and for drawing a document sheet