FBSprivat - Our Timetable Construction System
Dive into the world of railroads and construct graphic timetables on your home computer
With FBS, a program for railroad operation planning has been further developed since 1993, combining the possibilities of today's PC technology with scientific calculation methods and the experience of daily railroad operation. This provides the planner with a powerful tool for all aspects of timetable construction and subsequent use of the data obtained.
Manual drawing of graphic timetables becomes needless with FBS, as well as manual transfer of timetable data in the creation chain, which is still frequently encountered in practice. Integrated planning processes were previously changed by a media switch, the risk of transmission errors or inactivity due to coordination processes taking a long time did not correspond to the changing railroad market, especially in local traffic.
FBS supports the processor from the first conception to the daily timetable printing as much as possible. Complex solutions are proposed and checked for feasibility without prejudging the user's decision.
FBS will replace the experienced operator by no means. It rather saves time and offers room for more creativity through automatic route search. Also, it creates space for responding to customer requests more flexibly.

FBS transfers science into everyday life. Complex formulas and methods of travel time calculation, previously only used in railroad research, are now available in the planning process for the first time. Decision-making processes regarding the investment in new vehicles can be verified. Computer-aided railroading becomes a real possibility.
FBSprivat is designed for railroad enthusiasts who like to deal with topics of timetable and operational concept creation. There are no limits to the creation of timetables with FBSprivat.
You now have the possibility to purchase FBSprivat, a version for non-commercial use. Construct timetables on your home computer for the railroad line in front of your door or create your own operating concepts for whole regions. FBSprivat makes it possible.
FBSprivat - Get on board!