Customers timetable
With FBSprivat customer's timetables can be created in any size of the layout form lead type according to the UIC guideline 411. This was used in German timetables until the beginning of the nineties. Its design possibilities are almost unlimited and can be flexibly adapted to individual needs. A more modern light typesetting output is also possible.
The customer's timetable module allows layout flexibility. The timetables are compiled over several routes with the help of an assistant. Branch routes can also be included and clearly arranged. The arrival and departure times can be quickly updated in the event of any timetable changes. Furthermore, individual trains or buses (rail replacement bus services) can be inserted manually.
Printing the finished timetables is possible on almost any printer. Also, flexible passenger information in the event of timetable changes (e.g. leaflets) may be printed at minimal cost. The timetables can also be exported as a graphic file (e.g. for the design of Internet pages) or as a postscript file for exposure in print shops. The usual symbols for the traffic days are assigned automatically. The program also creates a general and table-related legend. Individual design is possible via an integrated text editor. Dots as reading aids can be set in lead type.
Input data:
- indication of the routes belonging to the network
- linking points in the network
- additional information on the trains (remarks, footnotes) if required
- access points and train data from timetable files off the graphic timetable module
- customer timetables in any size and the layout forms "lead type" (b/w) according to UIC guideline 411 and phototypesetting
- automatic compilation of customer timetables even across several routes (graphic timetables) just by clicking on the start and destination station in the network map
- inclusion of branch lines
- extraction of all already existing information (trains, access points) from graphic timetables, i.e. no transcription necessary
- full icon palette
- automatic assignment of the relevant traffic day symbols
- possible use of running lines
- general and table-related legend (individual design via integrated text editor possible)
- Manual editing as well as inclusion of footnotes possible