Arrivals & Departures

With FBSprivat, it is easy to create timetables in just one step, which can be used to inform travelers on site at stations and stops about the arrival and departure times of the trains running there.
In order to create a timetable containing arrivals and departures, the FBS user only has to select the desired operating station and whether it should contain arrivals or departures. The requirements are, of course, that chosen routes with the train schedules are integrated into the network via graphic timetable files. The program takes over the information for the timetable from this data source.

The display is done in a chronologically ordered, line-by-line successive indication of the trains. The program provides various options for controlling the content scope of the customers timetables to be created: Thus, the train types to be considered can be selected in a differentiated way; for the time specifications, the rounding rules also known from other FBS modules are available. If the correct track usage has already been assigned to the trains in the graphic timetable, this information can also be automatically included in the customers timetable. For the display of the traffic days which the trains run on, you can choose between the use of symbols according to UIC 411 or generally used abbreviations.
iPLAN also allows you to specify additional (departure schedules) or previous (arrival schedules) stops for the relevant trains - these stops can be published selectively according to number, importance or random selection. Furthermore, the creation of such timetables is not limited to access points in passenger traffic, i.e. by including further information or, for example, the inclusion of freight trains, it is also possible to use them for official or internal purposes.
Unlike the other documents and plans that can be obtained using FBSprivat (i.e. table and book timetables), the program does not store the posting timetables in the object list of the iPLAN main window. Instead, customer timetables are saved directly as independent documents in rich text format and can then be opened and edited in the word processing program. This means that there are no limits to the possibilities for further editing in terms of content and design in accordance with the user's individual ideas and requirements (such as using a different typeface, inserting company-specific logos, including supplementary information and remarks).
The output via commercially available printers and plotters up to the production of large-format copies can be realized in an uncomplicated way.